Monday, August 9, 2010



Thank you for this information. I will pass it on to our blog and website. I am so happy all is well. BTW, your brother is also doing great and in addition to being cured with a non detectable PSA after HIFU, he too has had no side effects or complications. Places like John Hopkins are academic centers that typically lag behind the day to day"pulse" of new and disruptive treatments. On the other hand, Dr Mark Schoenberg, chief of urologic oncology at John Hopkins is the Chief Medical Officer for USHIFU. Therefore, there is an obvious connection and a believe in our technology (HIFU) by the John Hopkins department of urology.

Tried and time,,, I am sure HIFU will prevail as the optimal treatment for localized prostate cancer


George M. Suarez, M.D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Howard
Sent: Wed, Aug 4, 2010 1:00 pm
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Enlarged Prostate: Acupuncture for Chronic Prostatitis

My Acupuncturist asked me to send this to you, I'm sure in the hopes that you will recommend him to some of your client's with Prostatitis. He has helped me numerous times over the years with assorted ills. I don't know if you have any faith in Eastern medicine, but I thought I would forward it to you as a favor to him. When I read the suggested treatments for prostate cancer it blows my mind that an institute like Johns Hopkins, so highly regarded, does not even list HIFU as a suggested treatment. Maybe the article was too old. I appreciate what you must go through trying to get your miraculous treatment through the "old school" people in the Medical profession.

I got my psa score back and it was 0.07......thanks again. Continue to have patients contemplating the treatment call me and I will preach the gospel according to George.

Hope all is good with you.

Bruce Howard

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Miami, Florida 33155
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----- Original Message -----
From: Santiago Sifre
To: Bruce Howard
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 10:26 AM
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Enlarged Prostate: Acupuncture for Chronic Prostatitis

Bruce, maybe you cn send this to your prostate guy and let him know on my behalve that it came from me. I would appreaciate it.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Dan Radcliffe
To: Santiago Sifre
Sent: Wed, November 18, 2009 11:44:56 AM
Subject: Fwd: Enlarged Prostate: Acupuncture for Chronic Prostatitis

Begin forwarded message:

From: Johns Hopkins Health Alerts

Date: November 17, 2009 10:02:02 AM EST


Subject: Enlarged Prostate: Alternative Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis


Johns Hopkins Health Alerts:
Enlarged Prostate and Prostatitis
Alternative Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis May Help
Should you try acupuncture to relieve the pain of chronic prostatitis? Results from a recent study provide the answer. Read on ...

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Alternative Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis May Help

Should you try acupuncture to relieve the pain of chronic prostatitis? Results from a recent study provide the answer.
Like other forms of chronic pain, chronic prostatitis is a complex condition with no simple solutions. Successful management depends on treating the original source of the pain as well as the neurological and psychosocial problems that often accompany it.
As a result, your doctor may prescribe several different types of medication. Some men also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, which can help improve coping strategies and psychological well-being.
But what if you've tried medications and they haven't helped? Should you give acupuncture a try?
Results from a small study in The American Journal of Medicine suggest that acupuncture may provide relief to men with chronic prostatitis. The study compared the potential benefits of acupuncture versus sham (inactive) treatments in 89 men who had symptoms of chronic prostatitis for three or more of the past six months and who had a score of 15 or higher on the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index.
The men were randomly assigned to receive two acupuncture treatments or two sham treatments a week for 10 weeks. The sham treatments were nearly identical to genuine acupuncture needle insertions except for the location and depth of placement.
True acupuncture was nearly twice as effective as the sham procedure in relieving chronic prostatitis symptoms. Moreover, patients treated with acupuncture were more than twice as likely as the men given the inactive treatment to experience long-term prostatitis relief. Few of the men experienced complete resolution of their symptoms.
This study supports findings from other trials showing a benefit from acupuncture for chronic prostatitis. More study is needed before the treatment can definitively be recommended, but if nothing else has worked for you, a trial of acupuncture might be worth considering.


If you found this health alert interesting and are ready to take the next step, we recommend our authoritative Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin. The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin is an indispensable quarterly journal for men with prostate cancer and the other prostate health concerns, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. It also deals with side effects and related conditions, such as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), overactive bladder, and erectile dysfunction.

Written by Dr. Jacek L. Mostwin and his esteemed colleagues at the world-renowned James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin goes beyond the basics to report on the latest therapeutic treatments, advanced news of clinical trials, in-depth reports, new medications, plus detailed answers to subscribers' concerns about all aspects of your prostate health.
Order today at the special web-only discount and you'll receive five FREE Special Reports as INSTANT PDF DOWNLOADS.
For more information, or to order, go to: The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin

Johns Hopkins Publications

Choosing The Right Treatment For Your Prostate Cancer
Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Prostate Cancer is a must-read primer for any man recently diagnosed with prostate cancer who is looking for answers to pressing questions about treatment options. Our specialists explain in-depth:
1.Expectant Management
3.Radical Prostatectomy
4.External Beam Radiation Therapy
Access the expertise of the specialists at America's #1 Urology Center in this Special Report designed with YOU in mind, to give you the most timely, accurate information on prostate cancer care and treatment.

Look In the Book: Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Prostate Cancer

Read more or order Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Prostate Cancer

Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments -- Know Your Options When Your Cancer Comes Back
This 113-page guide features discussions with leading experts at Johns Hopkins on specific options for treating advanced prostate cancer to help you sift through all your options to decide the treatment path(s) that are right for YOU. You will learn about current therapies as well as new approaches being developed here at Johns Hopkins and other important medical centers. These treatments include gene therapy to stop the advance of the disease, monoclonal antibodies that zap cancer cells throughout the body, a variety of chemotherapy agents such as Taxotere and angiogenesis inhibitors, drugs that choke off the blood supply to tumors.

Read more or order Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments

Restoring Sexual Intimacy After Prostate Cancer Treatment
Written by Drs. Jacek Mostwin and H. Ballentine Carter from Hopkins' James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Restoring Sexual Intimacy After Prostate Cancer Treatmentpresents the latest thinking on erection rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy. It explore the full range of your erectile dysfunction treatment options -- effective oral medications, injection therapy, penile implants, and more. The report includes answers to dozens of real questions from patients on sexuality and prostate cancer.

Read more or order Restoring Sexual Intimacy After Prostate Cancer Treatment


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Johns Hopkins Featured Title:

2009 Prostate Disorders White Paper
This all-in-one comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know about your prostate -- what it is, what it does, and what problems can develop, such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH or enlarged prostate), and prostate cancer. You'll learn key facts about prostate health, discover prostate treatments you never knew existed, and understand what your options are if you're ever diagnosed with prostate cancer. 96 pages.
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