Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Prostate Cancer Screening Should Be Adjusted For Overweight, Obese Men. Fact: Overweight and obese men may have diminished prostate cancer detection.
September is prostate cancer awareness month. The following was provided by the American Urologic Association, and is placed here for educational purposes.

MedWire (8/27, Guy) reported, "Overweight and obese men may have diminished prostate cancer detection owing to low prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels," University of Texas researchers found after evaluating data on 3,697 individuals. More specifically, "potential explanations for the association between overweight/obesity and PSA is a possible hemodilution effect caused by greater blood volume, or the suppression of PSA production caused by lower testosterone levels and higher estrogen levels," according to the paper in Urology. Thus, the study authors "recommend adjusting prostate cancer screening to allow for the impact of body mass index (BMI)."

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